Wednesday, August 31, 2005

I Wonder Sometimes

Been a while? Yes it has. Campbell internet has slowed down tremendously this year, and it has become very frustrating to download anything or even visit websites with too many pictures. I've heard recently that this might be due to a wide use of Ares, a Kazaa-like peer to peer file sharing network that can't be so easily detected by campus computer personnel. Great job, guys. You weren't caught. But take a look at these internet speeds. They're agonizing! My neighbor across the hall told me it took him twenty minutes to download a song off of Ares that should have taken less than two. There is a reason why file sharing programs were outlawed on campus.

I'm incredibly excited about my free iPod! I finally got enough referrals, and I my account is under review at this very moment. In two weeks, the review should be done, and I should be able to order my free iPod! I don't know if I'm as excited about the actual iPod as I am for FINALLY having achieved a long-sought goal. Back when I was a skeptic, I promised a friend that if he actually got a free iPod from this scheme, I would buckle down and get one too. Well, he got it, and now I have come through on my promise. Once I get my iPod in my hands, I think I'll go for the shuffle (seems like it would make a great gift). Also, I will advertise with my T-shirt that comes with he iPod and try to help out my friends who are still working toward their five referrals. If one of my referrals turns out to be invalid (an unlikely outcome) I'll dive back in head first until I get my free iPod, darnnit! Getting stuff from Freepay has become somewhat of a hobby, I guess.

I'm so, so happy to be back at school for that long, long summer. I'm starting to settle in, and I now have most of my books (save for microbiology). I've tried much harder this year to decorate my room and really make it a comfortable place for me to live. The smell of cinnamon welcomes me every time I open my door in the coldest temperature I can squeeze out of the AC system. Artwork, posters, and random junk adorn the walls, and my surround-sound system, though not great for DVD's, is excellent for playing music. I had a jig-fest to it just last night. The winds of change blow down the new walkways and through the orange plastic fences as things are built and renewed all around campus. I'm very happy with my school right now. This is a year to look forward to, I think.

Still, I keep having this feeling of angst concerning my major course of study. Is biochemistry really my calling? Are labwork and memorization really my passions? Should I change majors? Should I shift? Should I just stick it out and hope for the best? I don't exactly know how to feel. It's not that I'm bad at science, or that I feel this major is too much to handle, but what about other options? Dr. Jung impressed me when he said "...always have a plan B. And plan C and D." He went on to say that Chemistry wasn't even supposed to be his field of study, but look at him now. About of third of the Department Chairmen didn't major in the department they're chairing. Jung was referring to Pre-pharm majors when he said this, but I took it to hear--maybe because it was what I wanted to hear. I'm seriously thinking about shifting my major. It feels too bold and rash, but I can't help but ponder the possibility. Maybe a Chemistry major with an English minor. What I'd really like is the other way around. Maybe an art history minor. I'd definitely like to take the class, but Biochemistry doesn't leave much room for electives, let alone minors. If you don't want to be a chemistry-Biochemistry double major, it seems your out of luck. Before I make any decisions, I definitely want to fist talk with my advisor and see if a change is even possible at this point without an extra semester. The thought of switching majors weighs on my mind more than any other. I'll have to finish my semester out, anyway, so we will see how it goes.

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