Monday, August 08, 2005

The New Face of Higher Learning

I changed the template of my blogger site! I think I did it because I stopped liking the feeling I got when I looked at my page before. Too many browns, perhaps. I also now have a links sidebar, and that is a plus too, I suppose. I enjoy the feel of this template, and I think I'll be glad I moved away from the old one.

I posted a very long entry a few minutes ago, but after a shower, I decided to delete it. It wasn't particularly personal or poorly written; I just didn't get the right feeling when I wrote it. I felt it was generic and didn't really express anything. Not anything genuine, anyway. It does bothers me sometimes when I delete an entry like that, though. I feel like I'm trying to hide something. The entry I deleted was mostly about Truth and how I felt about it--how highly I esteem trust and how much it means to me that I am or become trustworthy. It is important to mention these things, I guess. There does seem to be a lack of people to trust anymore, but I'm very glad that I have friends I can truly say I trust. But trust is such a broad term, isn't it? I think what I mean is that I can open myself up to them without fear of being torn down. I feel assured that my opinions and feelings matter and make a difference, and their complements aren't simply empty courtesies. That may be over-simplifying things, but it's just a re-cap of what I deleted, after all.

I've had some bad days at Andy's before, but today absolutely takes the cake. See, our opporator, Angie, quit without warning a few days ago. She just up and left, and I dont' know why. I mean, I'm sure she had her reasons, but it turned the whole store up on it's heels. Today was our new operator's first day on the job, and the transitions he wanted us to make coupled with his relitive inexperience and my absolute lack of talent on the cookline sent the lunch rush into a fiery tailspin of utter chaos. We had, I'm sure, ten or more orders up at a time, and we were putting out absolutely unacceptibly long tickets. Up to 30 minustes, so I'm told. I mean, it was pandamonium! I was on the verge of tears as I rushed and busstled, trying my best to make put out orders as fast as I could. We even had waiters and waitresses coming back to help on the cookline. I have NEVER seen such an utter catastrophe in all my days at Andy's, and I've never felt so close to hell on the cookline. I kept my cool as best I could and calmed down the frustrated helpers working around me who were nearly ready to quit right then and there. I must admit, I even throwing down my aprin and walking out the door myself. Mounds of food was being thrown away, and many orders were given to the customers for free just so they wouldn't curse our store to the grave. And even though we were busting our tails and customers were getting angeryer by the minute, the tickets just kept coming up! It was like an endless line of thick-needed shots--like flys we could't swat away! As chaotic as it was behind the line, it was naught to compair to what the poor waitresses has to deal with. To the customers, the waitress was the face of evil that kept their food from them. It made one particular waitress almost collapes in a nervious breakdown, and she is no easy nut to crack. Staff who came in just for a meal ended up putting on hats and getting to work clock in street clothes off the clock. I believe that if there was ever a special place prepared for me in hell, it would have me working like this every day and sleeping every night in the first night of the SUV contest. There was simply nothing to compair it to. I pray--I PRAY--that I Wednesday is nothing like that. If it is, I seriously don't know what I'll do. I guess I'll try my best until the cheeze slides off my cracker, so to speak.

I have many more things to recount, but I really should be getting to bed, but let me at least say that by the end of today, I felt it was all-in-all a pretty good day. The Andy's ordeal was just something I NEVER want to go though again. O heavens! I hope I don't have nightmares about it...


Travis said...

I want new entries! I demand it!

Travis said...

Luckily I know you now and your "cheeze" has not slid off your cracker.