Friday, June 16, 2006

Money Misgivings and Feelin Fine

Well, I finally got my taxes sent in after a month and a half of tarrying. Haha! It wasn't up to me, folks! I tried to get W2 since a week before April 17th, and it was postmarked to my house June 1st! I have a big sigh to sigh knowing that's off my to-do.

I also RSVP-ed to a friend's wedding today! I've been looking forward to that all summer, and I can't wait to truck it up to Charlotte this coming July 22nd! I've never been to a wedding I wasn't forced to go to before! Since I'll be out so late that day, it's likely that I'll have to get a hotel room. I don't particularly relish that idea, since I can think of a hundred different ways I'd rather spend $60, but I'll try to room with a few friends, and that will bring cost down and fun up!

It occurred to me today how much I miss my friends at Campbell. A month more seems too long to be away from the good ol' Orange and Black, and I have a lot to look forward to in this next year. Living here with my family is good, but I'd rather it only be a visit. I yearn for a chance to go out into the world and live on my own, carving out my own nook and living by my own choices. Sometimes it seems like my choices are made for me, no matter where I go. Doing what's best means the same thing it's always meant, and adventures are too costly on my wallet.

In fact, I was just talking today to my brother of how boxed in money makes me feel. I'm by no means poor, but it just seems like life has to be centered around acquiring and budgeting money, and what I can do for a living and what my goals can be are limited by that idea. Clearly life is not about money--no more than it is about finding a mate or making other people think I'm great--but sometimes I feel like my life prospects are limited because I have to eventually pay for a house, car, insurance policy, water bill, electricity bill, phone bill... I know there are people who have done it before me. They've gone through life and finished out with smiles, doing what they love. So there's got to be a way! Haha! I just wonder sometimes how I can go for what I want, and compromise for cash? Does anyone know how big a deal money will be in the long run?

Blah... If I had my way, I'd just get everything I wanted just because I'm that cool a guy. Can I get a Hoorah? Hoo-ha! A tad awkward? A smidgen foolish? A skoosh uncoordinated? These things never stopped George W Bush, and they won't stop me! I'll fly, I tell you. Fly!

Here's to equal opportunity!

I have to write it. I've been holding back as long as possible, but I've hit the breaking point and you're all coming with me. I want a Nintendo DS Lite so bad I might just have a hernia... or buy a DS. I don't know exactly what it is about Nintendo that I like so much, but I'll attempt to put a finger on it. Their philosophy is one of innovation. They are now looking hard for ways to recreate genres of video game entertainment. I've had my eye on the Wii, Nintendo next home console coming out the fourth quarter of this year, but I could die just walking out the door. You never know! That's why NOW is the time for action! The DS lite is smaller, thinner, sleeker, glossier, brighter, and, let us not kid ourselves: just plane sexier than the original DS, and, oh yes: I want the hell out of it! But, alas, reality--as it favors to upon occasion--slaps me in the face and yells "Silly Chase! DS lites are for people richer and better looking than you!" Well, reality, you may be right, but even the Trix Rabbit had his day! We all remember that time he won a trophy full of colorful, fruity Trix cereal, and mine is just around the corner! Anything is possible! I happily plan to run across an envelope tommorow stuffed with hundred dollar bills and gold-plated diomonds, and there's nothing you can do to stop me!

Hahaha! Okay, a DS lite might not be a nessesity. Like most things, though, I've gotten about as much fun as I could ever have wished for just from wanting the thing! Sometimes, I guess, a big fun idea is worth having.

Best wishes and good night!

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